The field of pedodontics specializes in identifying and treating dental problems in young children. From early childhood through young adulthood. The pediatric dentist assists kids in developing and preserving good dental health to reach healthy permanent teeth with low risk of cavities.
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You frequently asked
Why choose a pediatric dentist (PD) and not a general practitioner (GP)?
Initially, the PD has the knowledge and skills to deal with children. Rather than just treating existing cavities, the PD places more of an emphasis on prevention. Additionally, the PD views the patients from various angles (occlusion, respiration, oral hygiene, deglutition etc.). -
What age should my child visit the dentist for the first time?
Three years old is considered the standard age. However, if there are issues with teeth erupting or early childhood carries, we advise early checkups. -
How and when should I brush the teeth of my infant?
From day one, you should use gauze and clean water twice daily to clean your baby's gum. At six months old, you should switch to using a rubber brush and distilled water twice daily. Use a toothbrush and toothpaste appropriate for his/her age at two years old.